cars_data = [["among car", "sussy car", "beans car", "spelunked car", "supressed (s)car"], [10, 20, 40, 20, 10], []] coins = 100 while coins > 10: print(f"You have {coins} coins available to spend!") print(f"The cars available to buy are {cars_data[0]}") x = int(input("Enter the chronological number of the car you want to buy.\n>>> ")) x = x - 1 newcar_cost = cars_data[1][x] if coins - newcar_cost >= 0: if "Bought" not in cars_data[0][x]: coins = coins - newcar_cost cars_data[2].append(cars_data[0][x]) print(f"you just bought {cars_data[0][x]}") cars_data[0][x] = f"{cars_data[0][x]} (Bought)" else: print("You already own this car.") else: print(f"You cannot afford any more cars! You have: {cars_data[2]}")